SBU seminarium tisdagslunchen 27 april – Crowd Modelling and Covid-19

Under våren planerar vi att köra ett månadsvis lunchseminarium på en timme om något aktuellt ämne. Det fjärde tillfället är den 27 april kl. 12.00-13.00. Temat för dagen är modellering av smittspridning med aktuella simuleringsresultat för Covid-19. Enrico Ronchi från Brandteknik på LTH kommer att presentera sin forskning om hur personer exponeras för virus i en byggnad.

Seminariet äger rum på Zoom. Länk till eventet kommer några timmar innan vi startar. Fyll i din e-postadress på länken här.

Inspelning från seminariet:

Crowd Modelling and Covid-19

This presentation discusses the use of crowd models to investigate people movement in buildings during a pandemic and how they can be used to quantify occupant exposure. Microscopic crowd models allow the representation of individual agents in a building and the obtainment of information concerning their location over time. The Covid-19 pandemic has posed several questions regarding safe building use, given the risk of disease transmission among building occupants. Several policies have been introduced concerning building usage and physical distancing during a pandemic, and they are mostly based on the macroscopic analysis of the spread of disease rather than a safety assessment performed at a building level and considering the impact of individual behavior.

This presentation first introduces the results of a set of experiments performed to quantify the impact of physical distancing on crowd movement. This highlights the need to review the fundamental relationships between people flow/density and speed/density implemented in crowd models considering physical distancing. In fact, one of the key implications of Covid-19 is the adoption of physical distancing provisions to minimize the risk of virus transmission. Physical distancing can have significant consequences on crowd movement both in normal conditions and during emergencies. The use of crowd models during the Covid-19 pandemic is then discussed and a model called EXPOSED is presented. EXPOSED can be used to retrofit crowd models and eventually perform risk assessment based on an evaluation of occupant exposure. This model is designed to account for different mechanisms of transmissions. The approach in use is deemed to allow more informed decisions by policy makers concerning building usage during a pandemic. This is important both for use of buildings in normal conditions as well as during emergency evacuation scenarios.

Kommande seminarium planeras 25/5 och sedan återkommer vi med ev. datum för hösten.

Vänliga hälsningar
Pär Johansson
SBU koordinator


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